Monday, June 16, 2008

Comprender el autismo (Engaging Autism) by Stanley Greenspan, Serena Wieder

Comprender el autismo
(Engaging Autism)
by Stanley Greenspan, Serena Wieder

Publisher: Santillana
Publication Date: Abril 2008
Cover / Cubierta: Trade Paperback
Pages / Páginas: 424
Dimensions / Medidas: 6 x 9
Subject / Tema: Health / Salud; Parenting / Padres; Family / Familia
ISBN-10: 8498670810
ISBN-13: 9788498670813
Your Price / Su Precio: $32.95


From the Publisher:

Highly effective and influential approach to autism and autistic spectrum disorders is presented in one clear and accessible volume.
The inspiring success of Dr. Stanley Greenspan's unique approach to autism and ASD (autistic spectrum disorders) is known to grateful parents and to professionals throughout the world. Now at last his highly effective and influential program is presented in one clear and accessible volume. A number of innovative, exciting features distinguish Greenspan's approach to autism:
First, his program has demonstrated that children with signs of autism or autistic spectrum disorders do not have a fixed, limited potential, but in many cases can join their peers and lead full, healthy lives, emotionally and intellectually. Secondly, his approach can be applied at a very early stage, when signs of autism first appear. Thus, the hope of preventing the full onset of autism becomes a real possibility. Third, the approach empowers the entire family to promote their child's development throughout each day. Also, the DIR Floortime approach guides the efforts of speech pathologists, occupational therapists, and educators to work with the family and builds on the latest research on the development of the mind and brain.
As cases of autism continue to rise worldwide, Dr. Greenspan's extremely successful Floortime approach is producing very promising results that could one day stem the tide against this dread disorder. No one involved in the care of children with autism, parent or professional, can afford to be without this landmark work.

A pesar de la creencia popular, los niños con síntomas de autismo y demás trastornos del espectro autista -incluido el de Asperger- no tiene una capacidad restringida de aprendizaje. En muchos casos estos niños pueden desarrollar una vida emocional e intelectual plena y saludable, aprender a pensar, a comunicarse y a relacionarse con los otros y con su entorno, éste es el gran descubrimiento de Stanley Greenspan, reconocido creador de la terapia Floortime.

Este método, que puede aplicar a edades muy tempranas, en cuanto se perciben los primeros síntomas de autismo, pero que no plantea límites de edad en su aplicación, ha convertido la antigua esperanza de prevenir o tratar las conductas autistas en una realidad cada día más tangible. Y el presente libro recoge sus fundamentos y los pone al alcance de padres, profesionales y cualquier lector interesado en saber un poco más al respecto de manera clara y accesible.

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